Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

WOW we have had a big week and weekend! On Thursday night Trav graduated from Star Valley High. The 3 days before that he was in Denver on the senior sneak. He had alot of fun! They went to a Rockies game. He was telling me before the game how he didn't want to go to it cuz it was just going to be dumb! after the game I talked to him and he said that baseball was his new favorite sport! I know hes funny! I don't have any of his pics from that so you don't get to see any of them. Well after graduation he went to the senior all niter. He said that is was really dumb! They did have a hypnotise come and put on a show for them. Then they just won things after that. Trav got a $50 gift card to Wal-Mart.
Friday he went in to get a check-up on his leg. He has made NO progress what so ever! So the put a new cast on. This one is red and even tighter then the last one. Before school even got out Travis and my brothers and Jeff said that they was going to have a all niter playing the XBOX and they did. Trav and his friend Kyle stayed till 4 in the morning. I had to get up early to go to work for a meeting and at 7 Darin and Jeff was still up playing!
Saturday I was painting my room all day! The reason I had to paint it is cuz when my sister moved out so my brothers and I switched rooms and Idid’nt want to have a light blue room. So before we moved me it to it we painted it. Now it is turquoise and brown. I like it alot. Then at 5 Trav had his graduation party at his house. It was alot of fun. We ate and played the Wii. Then later that night Staci and the boys and I came back to my house. While Staci, Jake, and I was finishing the painting in my room the boys were out playing the XBOX. They played it till almost 2 in the morning.
Sunday I finally finished the painting in my room! I got the boarder that we painted on almost done! It took forever! We printed a pic. of what we wanted off the computer and then cut it out to use on the wall as a stencele! Then around 4 Staci, Kyle, Trav, and I went shooting. I was alot of fun! Then at 6 we went to my Aunt and Uncles place were we call it Hillbilly Heaven. It just up on the farm where they have made a shed out of a BIG old tank that they had, It has a fireplace in it and a wood stove. Then they have by the river a fire pit. We had a cook out up there and just talked and told stories (and they are good at that! LOL) My family stayed up there for ever! It was almost 11 when we left. I have to be at work by 5 in the morning the next day. So when we got back my brothers shampooed the carpet in my room to move me in the next day and T.J. finished the boarder for me. We had a really fun week and weekend!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ok so here is a update of Travis wrecking on my bike................... Tuesday the 13 we went to Afton for his award thing, he got two scholarships, both was for $500.00. So the was really good news. We went and eat after that and and we was talking about how bad T.J. was still limping really bad. So we decided to go to the Doc.s house that his Mom works for. He just said to come in the morning and we can get so x-rays. Well his Mom and Dad talked about it and decided to just take him to the ER that night. (Now this really isn't that good of news)...When we got to the hospital, we got in the room and look at it and said lets get some x-rays just to make sure. WELL they come back to tell us that it is indeed broke! I felt so bad! But we was laughing so hard! But I guess it wasn't that funny!

Here is his leg (ya I know there is a car in the back)

Ya his not happy at all!!

Still mad

Really mad!

Yup him still mad, thinking that hes going to lose his job that he just started not to long ago. But when Dad took him in the next day they just told him to go home and let it rest for the day. He did go back to work today.

Its really funny but I feel really bad cuz I told him to stop being such a girl and get back on the bike!

Hot pink!

NICE. This is how he is being able to scratch his leg!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

T.J. on my bike
His 1st time ever on a bike

Just having fun!

Today was a nice day so we got out the dirt bikes, I got T.J. to get on mine and learn how to ride. He did really good, He rode around the house here for a while. We got gas put in my sisters bike and T.J. put on a pair of pants, diffrent shoes, and his helmet, and we went for a ride to my uncles house just up the road about a mile from my house. When we got there my Dad wasn't there so we were just coming home. We stopped and talked to my uncle out on the road, after he left we took off I was doing wheelis, so, Trav took off and tried doing a wheelie, it was a really good one but it didn't end good. He almost took out my little brother and ended up in the ditch. He got some cuts on his hand and upper arm, and hurt his ankle pretty bad.
His hand after it all

His arm after it all.

Check out my Slide Show!

Saturday T.J. went to Idaho Falls with his friend Nathen to go to the Powerlabs Dyno days. Its kinda a truck/car show but also to see how much horesepower and torq they have. what they do is the truck or car pulls into the dyno area in a shop were there is a large roller in the middle of the floor where they put the tires so they can spin freely once they strap the front and back ends down they tell the driver to start driving till they get to their last gear at that point the computer maps the engins peramiters and graphs it then the instructor tell the driver the open it up to its top rmp, they only get two chances to get a high ratio for the compitition. their were alot of sleepers that blew the compitition in their class away. just about every car or truck you could think of was there. Travis wrote that just in case you were wondering. He had alot of fun! He came back looking like a lobster, he got burnt bad!

(To get the caption on the slide up above roll over the picture that comes up.)