Sunday, May 4, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Saturday T.J. went to Idaho Falls with his friend Nathen to go to the Powerlabs Dyno days. Its kinda a truck/car show but also to see how much horesepower and torq they have. what they do is the truck or car pulls into the dyno area in a shop were there is a large roller in the middle of the floor where they put the tires so they can spin freely once they strap the front and back ends down they tell the driver to start driving till they get to their last gear at that point the computer maps the engins peramiters and graphs it then the instructor tell the driver the open it up to its top rmp, they only get two chances to get a high ratio for the compitition. their were alot of sleepers that blew the compitition in their class away. just about every car or truck you could think of was there. Travis wrote that just in case you were wondering. He had alot of fun! He came back looking like a lobster, he got burnt bad!

(To get the caption on the slide up above roll over the picture that comes up.)